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1.Immunohistochemical evaluation of invasive tumor front in oral cancer with E-cadherin
2.ABO and Rh estimation from pulp and dentin
3.Carriage of Oral enterobacteria among nail biters
4.Immunohistochemical evaluation of pre-malignant lesions and oral cancer with BCL-2, CK 8 and CK-18
5.Immunohistochemical expression of SURVIVIN in various premalignant oral lesions and oral cancer.

1.Age estimation using incremental lines of Salter in Light microscopy and Polarizing microscopy.
2.Staining efficacy of Leishman-Giemsa Cocktail stain in cytopathology
3.ABO and Rh estimation in salivary samples.
4.Frequency of micronuclei in petrol station workers in Sriganganagar
5.Mitotic figures in oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma stained with Crystal violet and H & E stains
6.Pattern of palatal rugae among north-west and north-east population in Sriganganagar
7.Prevalence of enamel defects in children in Fazilka district and its correlation with water fluoride level in drinking water.
8.Odontometric study to determine the most suitable tooth and measurement for sex identification
9.Prevalence and distribution of developmental dental and oral anomalies in Sriganganagar.
The department is involved in research in various fields including forensic odontology, diagnostic microbiology to cancer invasion.
The department’s research programs are vibrant and represent the keen interest of the department faculty in the generation of new knowledge that expands the breadth and depth of dentistry. Departmental faculty are investigators in a broad range of research that includes diagnostic technologies for early detection or oral cancer or precancer, oral manifestations of HIV infection, epidemiology and new treatments for chronic pain disorders and bioethical issues in medicine and dentistry.
The design of the operational research is bimodal. It provides an opportunity for the undergraduate and post- graduate students to make use of the expertise of our experienced faculty to widen their knowledge, developing their skills and consider academics as a joyful activity. Simultaneously, it is intended to provide a novel experience to the faculty members in many aspects and an experience unique to the department.
The achievements of both the students and staff shall be beneficial to the profession in particular and community in general, fulfilling the vision of the founder of this prestigious institution.
We are equipped with research microscope with image analysis software that facilitates researchers. We also have a two-headed microscope and a stereo microscope to enhance the postgraduate learning.We also play a crucial role in assisting the research projects and thesis by the postgraduate students of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.