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Our bright team of postgraduates
It is definitely true that completing a postgraduate degree demonstrates a high level of commitment and enthusiasm for your field. You should develop good skills in time management and project planning, communication, data analysis, and so on.

Dr. Supreet Kaur Sidhu
I am doing the final year post-graduation in this department.
I had Graduated from GNDDC, Sunam and i have done research on comparison of Leishman Giemsa cocktail to PAP and Giemsa stain in cytology.
I have also done a Study on lip prints.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Monika Poonia
I am a final year postgraduate. I Graduated from JCD Dental College, Sirsa. I am interested in forensic sciences. I have completed a forensic study on age estimation and lip prints.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Gaurav Singh Rajawat
I am a final year postgraduate. I graduated from Surendera Dental College and delighted to do my masters in the same institution. I have recently completed a study on ABO estimation from salivary samples.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Manish Munjal
I am a second year postgraduate. I am doing my research study on immunohistochemistry on various oral premalignant and malignant lesions.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Sandeep Singh Sihmar
I am a second year postgraduate. I am researching on the variations in immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratins in premalignant and malignant lesions.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Monika Solhe
I am a second year postgraduate. I am researching on the survivin expression in premalignant and malignant lesions.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Nitish Sharma
I am doing my first year postgraduation in this department. I want to say - "For achieving success you have to perform better than the best".
Postgraduate student

Dr. Pallu Chopra
I am doing my first year postgraduation in this department. I am doing research on oral microbiology.
I completed my graduation from Adesh Dental College, Bathinda. My whole journey where I am today is all because of my mother's hard-work and the support she gave me.
Postgraduate student

Dr. Rachna Khurana Sachdeva
I am doing my first year postgraduation in this department. I am doing my research on immunohistochemical expression in oral malignancies.
Postgraduate student

Our supporting staff
They are the cornerstones of our department. They ensure that all the patient work are kept in tandem with the academic activities.
Kudos to their sincere efforts

Mr. Gyan Prakash Bishnoi
He is a sincere and dedicated workhorse but a calm and gentle human being who has a smile at all times and deals all the laboratory activities in a composed manner.
Supporting staff

Mrs. Mamta Sharma
She handles the documentation of various cases and samples sent to our department. She also manages the tissue processing and cytological staining.
Supporting staff